
A question a day with a community

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Connect with thoughtful people by shared voice journaling


5.0 on App Store



4.9 on Google Play


"Fun, new way to connect with the world by making bubbles of love."

"I am really amazed at this safe space that has been created for sharing authentically here. It’s been fun too. I got to meet people from all over the world like Bosnia, Columbia, India and Kazakstan. It’s a new way to communicate. Here I got to meet people and get to to know them just by their voices! It’s heart to heart communication. There is no competition or anxiety and it’s not based on looks and your position in society. This makes everyone equal and the same. It’s very relaxing to hear people share. It’s creates a state of deep listening. Everything is in the transcript so you don’t miss anything. Also if you are not able to listen, you can still see what was written. I was able to experience having no agenda except connection and flowing in conversations with other people. I learned a lot about compassionate listening. I was spending a lot of time in the woods and I started to feel too isolated. It was wonderful to find a place that is safe and that has as an intention to ease loneliness. The podcasts have awesome topics which help us all have more ease."

- 🌈Tara


"Much appreciation"

"Just really very thankful to have been made aware of this app. Thank you!!!!"

- Alexander8317


"This is the best app on my phone"

"If you’re experiencing loneliness, it’s likely you’ve turned to a thousand different places to find human connection. I, for one, have bugged family members, chatted on dating apps, and gone to meet ups. But sometimes family and friends are busy and don’t have time for a heart to heart with you. Dating apps promise to solve the problem…once you’re lucky enough to land a committed relationship. And meeting up for a hike or trivia takes planning and can’t provide the connection you’re aching for at 4pm on a Tuesday when you’re feeling a bit down. This app lets you get your feeling off of your chest. People from all over the world hear you, respond, and cheer you on. In a matter of a few hours this app has provided more of a sense of community than I’ve felt in my actual community in the past three years. 15/10."

- BA2210


"If you think you need this app, you do"

"In today’s world, we are constantly connected to the internet, and we are more alone than ever. It’s nice to find a sort of social networking app (tho I hesitate to call it that) that actually brings people together. If you’re feeling disconnected, isolated, and alone even in a crowd full of people, this is your support community."

- BCWilsonDotCom


"Great way to connect"

"Basic concept: You post your status anonymously about how you feel. You can see what other people are feeling and leave them a voice note if you’d like. Likewise, people can leave you a voice note too. You can continue the back and forth if you’d like. No pressure. Thoughts: Hearing a voice is more powerful than reading the same message verbatim. I love that I can express my feelings while hiding behind my phone, yet have voice responses that I can check in on when I have time or just feel like it. That means i also get to think about my responses before i send it, be introspective, say them out loud and then hear my voice recording back if i want. Might sound weird, but it almost feels therapeutic. Plus there isnt the stress of actually having a phone or in-person conversation and having to immediately respond to what they’re saying. I can listen to the supportive voice notes from strangers all over the world AND i can re-listen to my voice notes. Almost makes me feel like im rooting for myself from a third party. I’m also pleasantly surprised at how vulnerable people are with their thoughts and problems. Also with how nice and supportive the community is here. This app’s concept is great and im looking forward to making connections App itself: This app is SO PRETTY. I cant stop playing with the world map. It’s so satisfying to use and so cool to look at where people are checking in from all over the world. Im not sure why it’s called Bubblic, but the buttons in the app look like bubbles, which makes it look soft and appealing. The app is also actively updated/improved. Most recent is the cute little moons next to the names. Adorable. It’s the little things that make a difference."

- Yun037


"Love this app"

"Because it’s so good. I’ve met great people and have had great conversations. I love this app."

- Sueadhead


"I love the idea of this app, I think it's super neat and I've never seen anything like it. You would think nobody uses it considering there aren't a lot of downloads but there are actually a few people who come and go which makes the app a lot more enjoyable. The creator of the app himself uses the app a lot which I think is neat. I think it deserves a lot more attention for sure!"

- François-Xavier L.


"This app is super cool! A lot of friendly people who are willing to connect with you and throughout the whole process you tend to discover more things about yourself, which is super cool. I thought I would dread sending my voice notes over for people to hear and to interact with ,concerning my social introversion, but the app is super warm and welcoming that I haven't felt like an outcast and I have made really good connections 😊"

- Lara


"Great people, great and kind developer. Glad to have gotten to know this app and its contributors. 🙏"

- Anonymous


"I would recommend this app to people who want good conversation with people around the world"

- Kardo A.


"Great idea!"

- Sarfaraz A.




Experience the power of voice as a tool for connection, healing, and self-expression.

Bubblic celebrates the richness and nuances of voice communication, allowing you to connect with others on a deeper level through voice messages filled with sincerity and warmth.


Every voice message comes from a real person in a real place.

Whether you're chatting with someone across the globe or in your own neighborhood, knowing their physical location adds depth and richness to your interactions, fostering a sense of closeness and the potential for meaningful relationships both online and offline.



In a world where it's hard to find someone who truly listens, Bubblic is here for you.

Connect with understanding individuals who appreciate your unique perspective and are eager to engage in heartfelt conversations that fulfill your social needs and nourish your soul.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did we start Bubblic?+

We are doing our best to help people who feel lonely in today's day and age because I (Albert, co-founder) have personally been through it during my time in grad school.

I was going through a long-distance relationship at that time, and the workload was tough during my PhD. I did have friends that I hung out with and even went to cafes to study together, but once they got girlfriends and boyfriends, they left me… I was not their priority anymore.

It felt incredibly lonely and I could not get the kind of support from my girlfriend since she was on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. I needed someone that I could talk to and do things with, outside of the romantic boundary. I tried looking, but what I found online were all these dating apps that gamified and capitalized on the desperation of the lonely men and women.

I was not fond of how the tools that claimed to help people find partners and meaningful connections boiled people down to simple profiles consisting of several pictures and bullet points of what they are looking for. In my opinion, they cause increasing number of people to feel lonely by overemphasizing on vanity and shallow qualities of a person instead of who they are.

I believe the web can be a better place for people to find others who they resonate with, and the current offerings just do not cut it. Having personally experienced loneliness and finding no solutions for my problem back then, I vowed to create an app myself that I think can help people find meaningful connections. So, here I am. I quit my job in Sept 2022 to dive into this full-time as I grappled with the meaning of my life and what I wanted to leave behind in this world. Bubblic has been helping people all around the world make meaningful connections since launching in June 2023, and it has been the most personal and meaningful work I have taken on so far.

How does Bubblic work?+

Once you download the app and create an account, you can anonymously record a voice message to be shared with the world. Your message is linked to your rough location (>50 km accuracy) that you share ONCE when you check-in at least once a week.

Why voice messages? Why can't I text people?+

Bubblic was initially designed for lonely people to talk and practice talking without distractions from images and videos. We think that a lot of people are too shy to speak in real life because they fear sounding awkward and being judged for their looks, and end up being more closed in on themselves.

Also, we think texts are easy to misinterpret and abuse, compared to speaking with your voice. We have all experienced it first or second hand on many text-based forums and apps. And let's not even talk about photos… We hope that people who feel shy muster up the courage to speak on this platform and develop the skills and confidence to eventually be confident and make connections in real life!

After interacting with many users and observing how they use Bubblic, we have decided to add the ability to share photos and videos for power users to enrich their interactions. We have measures in place to continue to foster authentic connections by only allowing photo/video sharing for people who have exchanged messages before and who are subscribed to our app, i.e., have skin in the game.

Why do I need to share my one-time location?+

Your location is only shared to give context of where you are coming from for other users on this platform. We believe that knowing where each of us are can help us feel more authentic than having just a username. Your location is NOT linked to your email or username, and we do NOT sell or share your location information with external entities. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Why is my voice message public?+

On Bubblic, everyone can listen to everyone's voice messages, just like many other public forums such as Twitter and Reddit. We believe that engaging with strangers in public is better than engaging in private because:

1. it encourages us to be civil;

2. it allows for people jumping into a conversation to make the platform more lively; and

3. it helps those of us who are shy or are clueless about how to engage in a conversation learn from examples.

Do you share or sell my data with external parties?+

No, we do not share your data with anyone or sell it to anyone. Your rough one-time location (>50 km) and voice messages are visible to all users on this platform by nature of Bubblic, but they are not linked to your email or username. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

How do you make money?+

We are focused on making Bubblic the best platform for people to engage in authentic conversations from all around the world.

We offer premium features to make our platform more engaging for power users. The features include private messaging, photo/video sharing, and anonymous voice, with more features coming soon. We do not generate any revenue from selling your data or advertising.

If you would like to send us tips to help us keep our server running, we would greatly appreciate your gesture! Buy Me Coffee

How are you different from other anonymous voice chat platforms?+

Bubblic is different from other anonymous voice chat platform in two ways:

1. You share your approximate location (>50km). You know where all these people are and it gives real-life, physical context, instead of them being just random usernames. We think that sense of physical presence is missing in a lot of today's digital communications that contributes to loneliness.

2. You leave voice messages, not make a live phone call. We think voice messages are less intimidating because you can leave them at your leisure, and there is something about crafting your voice message that is a little therapeutic as well.

Isn't this just a short-term solution to loneliness?+

From talking to our users on Bubblic, we found that many struggle with going outside to meet people in real life because of their anxiety, geographical location, disabilities, and time, to list a few.

Many people suffer in the dark. We want Bubblic to be some sturdy straws for them to grab onto for re-shoring themselves. Ultimately, we hope that people can take the social skills they have developed on this platform to engage in real-life interactions with new people they meet or even with people they first met on Bubblic!